New England Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Claims Russian President Vladamir Putin Stole His Super Bowl Ring

Robert Kraft

(Joe Camporeale/USA Today Sports)

Here’s a headline nobody could have predicted–New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft claims Russian president Vladamir Putin stole one of his Super Bowl rings when the two met in St. Petersburg.

For those of you that don’t recall, Kraft claimed back in 2005 that he gave the ring to Putin as a gift since the president happened to be a big sports fan, but the Patriots owner has recently decided to come out with the truth about what really happened–which makes the whole situation seem even more shady. From what Kraft claims, he took the ring out to show to Putin and even let him try it on–in which he told Kraft, “I can kill someone with this ring.” When Kraft reached out to get the ring back, Putin apparently put it in his pocket before three KGB guys surrounded him and then walked out.

What makes this story even more crazy is the fact that the White House got involved as Kraft also discussed how the staff during the George W. Bush days called him and said it would be in his “best interest” to say the ring was a gift to Putin to prevent any tension between the United States and Russia. There’s a good chance this isn’t the last we’ll hear about this story as more details will most likely continue to emerge, but this whole thing in general just sounds like a complete mess.

A note to those of you with fancy championship rings–maybe it’s in your best interest to keep it on you at all times instead of letting others try it on.

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