Ben Roethlisberger Will Not Be Charged

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

I have chosen not to speak about this incident much thus far being that there have been relatively few developments. It was finally decided that the District Attorney is dropping the case because he either feels that there is not enough evidence, or no actual “crime” was committed despite Roethlisberger’s clear decision making problems. District Attorney Fred Bright has this to say: “Here the overall circumstances do not lead to a viable prosecution. If they did, I would be pursuing it vigorously.” “We do not prosecute morals. We prosecute crimes.” The one thing that really captures my interest in this situation is how the tapes from the nightclub were mysteriously taped over the night of the crime....

BallHype: hype it up!


One Response to “Ben Roethlisberger Will Not Be Charged”
  1. OffTheCuffSports says:

    Yet another athlete that is above the law and doesnt have to walk through life by a different set of rules. Roethlisberger has basically admitted to wrong doing twice by written statement and still no reprecusions. Ridiculous!

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