Dream has become Reality

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

The Chicago Bulls are in the playoffs.  A week ago, I thought they had a small chance.  Three days ago,  I said there was little hope of the Bulls beating both the Boston Celtics and the Charlotte Bobcats to take the eighth and final playoff spot from the Toronto Raptors. Tonight, in their last game of the regular season, the Bulls beat the Bobcats 98-89, making the dream become reality.  The Bulls clenched the eighth seed finishing 41-41 for the second consecutive year while the Raptors finished 40-42. Derrick Rose showed his game is developing.  He is becoming a much better shooter and is creating his own opportunities for open looks.  Earlier in the season,  he wouldn’t always dribble to create, he would settle for tough looks...


BallHype: hype it up!

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