The Top Five Reasons Not To Hate The Yankees

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

Many people love the Yankees and many love to hate the Yankees. I’m going to give you five un-biased reasons not to hate the Yankees. None of these involve the Yankees as a team on the field, but rather what the team brings to baseball, and a few things that you may not realize. Many people love to talk about how the ticket prices are too high (they are, but remember over 8 million people live in that city. If ticket prices were $8, you could never get a seat), the team just buys all of its players, and that they have more money than anyone else. This list will show that the Yankees aren’t the big bad wolf that many make them out to be, but rather a team with class, commitment, work-ethic, tradition, and generosity. 1. Revenue...

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