Milton Bradley- Good Board Games, Bad Attitudes

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

Milton Bradley’s problem wasn’t Chicago (although we all knew it was a horrible fit. He’s up to his old antics after being pulled from a game yet again. Bradley decided to storm out of the stadium. Oh brother! I guess he is buying into the “stress-anxiety” disorder that’s been popping up around the MLB. I’ll tell you what, I’m going to take Milton’s side on this. He’s the type of guy that blows up when something goes against him. He has that intensity which can backfire. I know he has had his fair share or run-ins, but this guy got his ACL blown out by his first base coach. He needs to get it under control and after 12 seasons it’s a little ridiculous. Yet, Bradley is one of...

BallHype: hype it up!

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