Introduction to the Top 10 Summer Free Agent Options for the Chicago Bulls

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The next  10 posts are going to be the Bulls Home rundown of the top free agent options for the Chicago Bulls. Chicago has six players on the books for next season: Luol Deng, Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah, Taj Gibson, Kirk Hinrich and James Johnson.  They are allowed to have 15, so there is room for nine more players. The NBA projects next year’s salary cap to be $56.1 million.  Chicago only has $33.6 million spent, meaning they have $22.5 mill to go shopping with. Fortunately for the Bulls, they have plenty of money to replace at least one of these empty roster spots with an elite NBA athlete and add a few strong counter parts to the young and talented nucleus all ready on the team. Let’s start by getting rid of the free agents...

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