OPS Exclusive: Tim Donaghy Gives His Thoughts and Famous Predictions on the NBA Finals

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

This was provided to me by Tim Donaghy in reference to his method of predicting games in this years playoffs. I did not write this piece, and they are the thoughts of Tim Donaghy. Enjoy the interesting read and behind the scenes look at the NBA and it’s officiating. I don’t gamble anymore. I’m both in recovery for my own addiction, and I work at Firstep Intervention, owned by Mike Osborne, a gambling treatment facility based in New Jersey. As a former NBA referee, with a story to tell about the crooked officiating in the venerable world of professional basketball, I have observed this years’ Playoff Series with interest, and a little fear. In my book, Personal Foul, I created a ‘blueprint’ off of which...


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