The Machine

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

Albert isn’t in much of a “slump” anymore. I put slump in quotation marks because unlike most players, he doesn’t really falter. His three homeruns today were enough o give the Cards the series against their NL Central rivals. The cubs seemed to be relatively over matched this weekend. The win they knew they were getting came easy off of the Red Birds rookie call up. Yet, the other two games were no contest and the Cubs went down without a whimper. Pujols has now hit three homeruns in a game four times! Also, he has hit over 40 big flies against the Cubbies. Boy does he love to play these guys. So does Ryan Ludwick. Last year Luddy was hitting flies all over the Cubs and he didn’t disappoint this time either....

BallHype: hype it up!

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