Research Proves Wade Wrong on comments about Managments Loyalty Toward Players

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

I have been doing some research after Dwyane Wade made comments about the Chicago Bulls organization having loyalty issues since Michael Jordan is no longer involved.  Wade said Pippen too, but we can argue the claim later. His statement sparked some interest to see if any players have worked for the team after retirement.  I knew John Paxson, Johnny Red Kerr, Norm Van Lier and a few others had returned to work with the Bulls, but I didn’t know the full lineup. Norm Van Lier I contacted the Chicago Bulls office, and exchanged emails with Bull’s public relations man,  Shaun Hickenbottom.  He was able to give me a lengthy list of ex-players who work or have worked within the organization or have been an ambassador for the Bulls...

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