Can Brett Cecil pull-off a Halladay-esq Performance to Save the Jays?

Boo ItRant It(No Rants)

  After being on the wrong end of another trouncing by the mighty Tampa Bat Rays, (a 10-1 loss last night and a combined score of 35-13 in the last 5 meetings), the Toronto Blue Jays have one more match-up against their AL East rivals to try and turn things around. Before Wednesday evening’s loss, it was hoped that the new staff Ace, Shawn Marcum, would be able to right the ship and stop the Jays current losing streak. Unfortunately for Toronto, Marcum couldn’t re-create the same magic that – dare I say it – Roy Halladay would conjure up on a regular basis, in order to propel the club back into the win column. Now, the duty now falls on the pitching arm of Brett Cecil. Cecil (6-2) has shown great poise and maturity so far this...

BallHype: hype it up!

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