Meet the Bunch: Dallas Braden

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This is a new weekly we’re starting here at Beanes Bunch, where we will be going into a little bit of depth about a new player who’s on the 40 man roster.  After careful deliberation, it seems an easy answer of who to start with, the fan favorite Dallas Braden.  While everyone remembers his bid for perfection, let’s take a quick look at what it took to get him here.  Hit the more for his full story.  Dallas was raised by his grandmother, Peggy, having lost his mother due to cancer at a young age.  He was hardly a model citizen, having been kicked off his High School baseball team twice, and at times it looked like he was a lost cause, but Peggy would not stand for it.  She forced him to go to school as well as college, pointing...

BallHype: hype it up!

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