Rumor: Bye, Bye Bogut?

Published: 27th Feb 12 4:55 pm
by Vince Cunningham
Featured Columnist
Rumor: Bye, Bye Bogut?

For a few years now, the Milwaukee Bucks have been perched on the fence between playoffs and mediocrity. Each season they seem to make a push in the right direction, but ultimately come up short in the end. And as they try to make the gradual transition from spoilers to contenders, they may now be preparing to do so without their star Center, Andrew Bogut.

The oft-injured, former number one pick out of Utah, has been both a bright spot and a liability for the Bucks. It seems that each year, just as they reach the threshold to the next level, Bogut is struck down by injury. Worse then his annual, untimely hobblings are the increasing duration of recovery for the Center. Already having missed 117 games in his career thus far, not since his rookie season has Bogut made it through an 82 game schedule unscaved. While injury woes are not uncommon for those who exceed a 7-foot billing, the Australian big man has been particularly prone to the licks.

So, as he sits on their bench, night after night dressed in a tie and blazer rather then jersey, Bogut is finding himself more expendable then ever. Still with two years left on his contract, the Bucks are rumored to be ready to move forward without the big man on their roster, according to the New York Post’s, Peter Vecsey. Which isn’t that surprising, being that they’ve already grown accustomed to playing in his absence. But now they hope to do so without the burden of his salary on the books.

Finding a taker for the former number one draft pick may be more difficult then they expect however. While many teams could certainly use a 7-footer who possesses physicality and unique skill set, most will likely be leery of his propensity for pain. That fear should only be heightened by Bogut’s current absence due to a fractured left ankle. But as the trade deadline nears, it will only take one General Manager who finds their team on the bubble of greatness to roll the dice on the potential difference maker in Bogut.

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