2013 Fantasy Baseball: Is Matt Moore the Tampa Bay Rays’ Best Pitcher?

Kim Klement USA Today Sports

I know the title of this article is whoa crazy crazy, as the Tampa Bay Rays’ David Price is coming off a Cy Young winning season. Matt Moore is only entering his second season as a full time starter, but through four starts we need to ask the question: is Matt Moore already the Rays best pitcher?

After dominating a New York Yankees team whose offense has surprised everybody, Moore is now 4-0. Through 26 innings Moore has given up only 10 hits and struck out 29 giving up only three runs. The only negative is Moore has walked 14 batters, as his control sometimes gets a little wild. Something I am sure he will learn to get a handle on with more experience.

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The reigning Cy Young Award winner Price through four games is 0-1 with a 6.26 ERA and 1.57 WHIP. On the plus side Price, has struck out 21 while only walking seven. Price owners in fantasy baseball haven’t hit the panic button yet, but another bad start or two could have them doing so.

So am I saying if you are a Price owner you should trade him for Moore? Absolutely not, but if you are a Moore owner, see if his hot start and Price’s less than stellar one can get the Price owner to part with him for Moore. Price will get it turned around and at the end will have far superior numbers to Moore. I expect Moore to have a few hiccups in his sophomore season, and now would be the perfect time to sell high and possibly buy low on Price.

For more fantasy baseball rants and rumblings follow Brian Fischler on Twitter.

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