NBA Los Angeles Lakers

Sadie Santana Reaffirms Legitimacy of Lakers Offer, Gives Married Players Opt Out



Yesterday, we were graced with the interesting story of porn star Sadie Santana offering sexual favors to the entire Los Angeles Lakers squad if they could find a way to muster 47 wins this season. While obviously that number is asinine considering they’re off to an 0-5 start and seem likely to fall short of 20 wins, it was still an “intriguing” offer nonetheless.

So today, Santana took to Twitter again to confirm that her offer was “100 percent serious,” but that she understood if the “REALLY married” players had to refuse.

Sadie Santana

Yes, she’s talking about you, Kobe.

Then, she proved just how little she knows about the current Lakers roster, even offering her services to Andrew Bynum. In case you’re unaware, Bynum is no longer with the Lakers, or even in the NBA for that matter. We won’t even discuss Joe Smith.

Disclaimer: Visit Santana’s Twitter at your own risk. NSFW pictures are aplenty.

This story just keeps getting better and better. We’ll see on Sunday if it provides the Lakers with any extra motivation.

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