Chicago Bears Need to Follow Baltimore Ravens Blueprint

By Joseph Olmo
David Banks – USA TODAY Sports

Run the ball, play defense, and make plays in the passing game when needed, that’s exactly what the Baltimore Ravens did to win the AFC Championship on Sunday.

Sound familiar? It should. That’s been the same blueprint for almost a decade for the Chicago Bears, except the Ravens have executed the plan much better. There should be no reason with the team they have in place that the Bears should stray away from this strategy.

Skeptic of the idea? Think the Bears need to become the New England Patriots? I’ll make a statement and you decide which team I’m talking about, either the Bears or the Ravens:

An aging defense that can still get after it. A running game that features a top ten running back that has been under-utilized. A very good special teams unit. A quarterback that has been consistently scrutinized by the media and doubted as a franchise player.

I can’t tell a difference, can you?

Either way, the Ravens proved that the “old-school” NFL style of football can still get it done and that a defense can lead the team to a championship. Holding that Patriots offense to just 13 points and keeping them in check for much of the game is no easy task.

The Bears can still make a Super Bowl run if they stick to this plan. A few tweaks on the offensive line, a few playmakers on the defensive side, and they will have a good shot at it next year. The new coaching staff will highlight this team’s strengths and make Jay Cutler a better quarterback.

For as disappointing as this season was, they were still 10-6, the same record that the AFC Champions were this year.


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