5 Most Bizarre Outfits of Super Bowl XLIX Media Day

5 Most Bizarre Outfits of Super Bowl XLIX Media Day

Barrel Guy Super Bowl Media Day

Super Bowl Media Day is without a doubt the strangest day on the NFL calendar. Media from all over the world came together on Tuesday at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale Arizona. Some “media members” clearly had their priorities askew and seemed to be more focused on being photographed for their ridiculous costumes rather than asking the players and coaches questions.

Pick Boy

Pguy Media day

Pick Boy

Pguy Media day

Apparently "Pick Boy" is from Nickelodeon. This is his seventh Super Bowl Media Day appearance.

Helmet Camera Guy

Helmet Guy Media Day
USA TODAY Sports-Matthew Emmons

Helmet Camera Guy

Helmet Guy
USA TODAY Sports-Matthew Emmons

At least he's interviewing a player.

The Terminator

The Terminator Media Day

The Terminator

The Terminator Media Day

Not the best Arnold Schwarzenegger look-alike I've ever seen.

Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski

Weir Lipinski
USA TODAY Sports-Matthew Emmons

Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski

weir Lipinski
USA TODAY Sports-Matthew Emmons

Definitely the least strange of the group, but still not your typical attire.

Barrel Guy

Barrel Guy

Barrel Guy

Barrel Guy

Barrel Guy was the shining star and stole the show at Super Bowl XLIX Media Day.

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