Baltimore Ravens' Bernard Pierce Shows Lack Of Self-Awareness With DUI Charge

By Jerry Landry
Bernard Pierce DUI Charge Baltimore Ravens
Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports

There are mistakes, and then there are egregious errors of judgment. In the case of Bernard Pierce and a pending DUI charge, the Baltimore Ravens running back has made a terrible ethical miscalculation.

Knowing right from wrong is a crucial building block toward maturity within this society. For a high-profile member such as Pierce, just knowing the ideal from the reprehensible isn’t enough. When you’re influential — as many NFL players are — you need to learn to not put yourself into precarious situations in the first place.

Breaking down the Pierce situation begins with Pierce’s breakdown in discretion. According to Baltimore County police, Pierce was driving at least 25 mph over the speed limit (55 in a 30 mph zone), and upon roadside interrogation, he failed a sobriety test.

Although I will never truly understand the climate that envelops a highly-paid professional athlete, I do realize that if you’re highly paid, you can afford a taxi. Again, don’t put yourself into that situation.

Driving anywhere near a 0.08 blood-alcohol content is reckless and destructive. It’s a selfish act that sometimes gets you home safely and sometimes ruins multiple lives through careless homicide. Dramatic ends of the consequence spectrum yes, but unrealistic and unprecedented outcomes no.

Every single decision you make unleashes an outcome. Every ounce of alcohol influences your acuity. Even if the allegations are inflated, twisted or untrue, Pierce needs to become more self-aware or beware the snowball effect. John Harbaugh would never accept excuses from Pierce on the football field, and society certainly won’t let this runaway lapse in judgment off the hook.

Jerry Landry is a writer for Follow Jerry on Twitter at @Jerry2Landry, “Like” him on Facebook or add him on Google.

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