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Super Bowl Grounds Crew Paints ‘Broncos’ On Wrong End Of Field At Levi’s Stadium

In a development that can be described as the quintessential ‘you had one job’ fail, the Super Bowl 50 grounds crew at Levi’s Stadium apparently made a bit of an error this week.

Apparently, the Denver Broncos ended up with their name on both end zones for a brief period of time after the folks accidentally wrote ‘Broncos’ on the wrong end of the field.

For the television audience, the away team’s (Carolina Panthers) end zone it slated to be on the left side of the screen, with the home Broncos on the right. Once the mistake was realized, adjustments began, but the damage was done.

Now we know why we haven’t seen many photos released of the finished product.

You know somewhere in Denver there are Broncos fans swearing up and down to friends and family that this situation foreshadows the Broncos will “own the field” on Feb. 7.

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