Phillips, Childress fired. The next 5 NFL coaches that need to go.

November 23, 2010 by Eric Schmidt  
Filed under Latest News

The Dallas Cowboys and the Minnesota Vikings realized that it was time to part ways with their head coaches, Wade Phillips and Brad Childress. Now it is time for five other NFL teams to realize it’s time to part ways with their head coach as well. Houston Texans, Gary Kubiak- There is simply too much [...]

Does Leslie Frazier bench Vikings QB Brett Favre?

November 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Uncategorized

The Minnesota Vikings finally pulled the trigger on ending the inept reign of former head coach Brad Childress, does interim head coach Leslie Frazier bench veteran QB Brett Favre? Brad Childress had his fate tied to the return of Brett Favre this season and the experiment failed, so will Leslie Frazier finally do something that [...]