
Well, it looks like the first domino has dropped during the 2011 Hot Stove season.  Jonathan Papelbon will move from Beantown to the City of Brotherly Love after signing a four year deal worth $50 million to close games for the Philadelphia Phillies.  New York Yankees fans were never really scared of Jonathan Papelbon and his 3.86 career ERA against the Bombers, but we don’t mind seeing him leave Boston either.  As often as the two teams play each other, there is going to be some familiarity developed no matter who the closer is.  Anyway, as a New York Yankees fan, it is very satisfying to know that Jonathan Papelbon’s last two big moments happen to be epic failures.  The latest was obviously the blown save against the Baltimore Orioles that set the stage for the completion of one of the most dramatic collapses in baseball history.  The other lasting image that I will have of the former Boston Red Sox closer came on October 11th, 2009.  What New York Yankees fan can forget the blown save and loss charged to Jonathan Papelbon in the deciding Game 3 of the ALDS?  He entered the game with a two run lead, but one inning pitched, two walks, four hits and three runs later the Los Angeles Angles held a one run lead that they wouldn’t relinquish.  And if I remember correctly, the Boston Red Sox were one strike away of winning that game and turning the rotation back over to Josh Beckett and Jon Lester.  Good times.  Let’s all wave good-bye to the guy that we used to call “Papsmear” as it might be a while before the New York Yankees see him again in games that really matter.

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