by danielburt

I almost spit my drink out Monday while I was watching Raw. Before the bell rang starting the main event John Cena threw his shirt into the crowd only to have it thrown back. Cena smiled and through it back into the crowd only to have thrown back again. Finally on his third attempt the audience member kept the shirt. For as long as I have watched wrestling I don’t ever remember seeing someone in the crowd return a souvenir. Of coarse that was followed by a “let’s go Cena”, “Cena sucks” chant.

This is why I call John Cena, the wrestler we love to not like. I say not like because I would say most WWE fans don’t hate him but it really is hilarious how many WWE fans enjoy not liking him. I am one of those fans. Don’t get me wrong I do know there are millions of fans who love John Cena. Although I honestly believe those fans are kids or people that are new to wrestling. Most veteran fans I know feel the same about John Cena as I do. Us fans can’t actually hate the guy though. He seems like such a good guy and we all know he would die for this company that we love so much, plus it’s great how much he loves the Cena haters. I also know it’s only partly his fault I don’t like him.

He isn’t the best wrestler and I often get bored during his matches. To be fair I can say the same about Randy Orton. The reason I don’t have the same dislike for Orton and the reason I don’t blame Cena is because the WWE forced Cena down my throat by giving him main event after main event. He is wrestling for the belt far too often. As an audience member I have been overdosed with too much Cena and because of that I have become very bored with him. Hopefully with the rise of Del Rio and Punk, John can take a backseat for a while and not have to main event every paper view and Raw.

I would just love to see the guy take a break from main eventing and give himself a year without the belt. I know that has a lot to do with the writers but he has just become a little too stale. You want to change the views of “Cena Haters” then change his character. Give us something new to watch. To be fair to Cena I would have probably have hated the Rock if it wasn’t for the fact that he had to take a back seat to Austin, Foley and other guys who were belt worthy. So WWE writers please fix this so I can become a Cena lover.

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