Match of the Week 8/22 – 8/28

Published: 28th Aug 11 11:41 am

Here are the candidates and the winners of this week’s match of the week.

John Cena vs CM Punk:

It was not a great week for matches. So anything with CM Punk is going to find it’s way into the finals for match of the week when I am writing. CM is just so good in the ring and just fun to watch. Cena didn’t have a bad match either but who didn’t see the predictable Kevin Nash entrance to cost CM the match. Too predictable to be great but it was a good match.

Alberto Del Rio vs John Morrison

Fun match with some decent spots. Nice job by both wrestlers keeping a good pace throughout the match. Del Rio has been selling for the mid-card performers a lot over the last couple weeks and I really like it. Daniel Bryan and John Morrison both looked like title contenders in their last matches vs Del Rio. That is the sign of a good champion. That isn’t to say Morrison and Bryan aren’t good wrestlers because they both are. However not every champion makes up and coming wrestlers look so good.

Crimson vs Kurt Angle

Not a bad match on TNA. Definitely an upgrade over the impeding Flair vs Sting match that we are all going to be bored by. Crimson showed me he has all the physical skills to run with the big dogs in the ring. Now all he has to do is get some mic skills and he could be a future star. Angle has dominated him in that respect during this feud taking a bit away from it. Still it was a fun match with some solid wrestling, although I can say that about almost any Angle match. Too bad TNA wussed out and didn’t give Crimson either a clean win over Angle or have his streak broken. Oh well, can’t have your cake and eat it too I guess.

The Winner of match of the week is…..

Alberto Del Rio and John Morrison

Not only was a it a good match but it built up a lower card wrestler. Anytime you can do that you will have my respect. Again there weren’t a ton of great matches this week but I was very happy with this one and both Del Rio and Morrison deserve match of the week.

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