by danielburt

If you haven’t figured it out from other articles I have written I think the mic skill is the most important skill in the business. I am not saying that is all you need but it is the number one skill in my mind. Guys like Lance Storm, who was brilliant in the ring, sat back stage while guys like Santino Marella, who is less than impressive in the ring get’s time during major shows. Yes, it’s not right but it’s the way the business works.

Now on to my point. Wade Barrett has decent in ring ability. Not great but not bad either. He is a little predictable and has a below average finisher. Why I think Barrett is going to succeed is because of how solid he is on the mic. Barrett has not been around long but he is already a better talker than WWE veterans like Randy Orton and Kane. I know guys work on their mic skills but I honestly think you either have it or you don’t and Barrett has it. Someone can come up with a better finisher but no one can give him a silver tongue. Once Barrett gets a little more seasoned in the ring and combines it on the mic the WWE better look out.

Barrett first stood out to me when he and the Nexus debuted. He was a born leader of a stable. With all that attention of being thrust into the main storyline on Raw he could have easily failed. Instead he stood out as the only real solid member of the nexus (after Bryan left). What has impressed me even more than that is the average role he has with the company right now. He really doesn’t have much a storyline at the moment but every time he speaks I find myself listening. Unlike when Mark Henry opens his giant mouth. If you have nothing heavy to say and I am paying attention I have to say well done!

Only time can tell if I am right or not but I honestly think this kid is part of the future of the WWE.

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