Thom Tsang
SCEA Canada / SCE San Diego Studio

Somebody over at SCEA (presumbly a Blue Jays fan) clearly recognized the mistake they initially made when Adrian Gonzalez was selected as the cover athlete for Sony’s upcoming MLB 12: The Show; while it’s probably a little too late to change things for everyone, the company have at done their part to make good to Canadian baseball fans who also happen to game. Jose Bautista announced earlier today that he will be on the cover of the Canadian version of the popular video game, meaning that all of us here north of the border can enjoy the latest entry in the series will have to be looking at a Red Sox on our shelves for the season.

This will mark the first time that the baseball game series will have a separate cover athlete for the Canadian edition, and Bautista certainly deserves the recognition since, you know, he was the best hitter in the big leagues in 2011 and all. Congratulations to Bautista are in order; here’s hoping that a series of commercials with Kevin Butler is to come.

Here’s the full cover art for the game, coming out on March 6th, in all its glory:

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